Down the Rabbit Hole

Life has a funny way of throwing screwballs at you.

The first screwball life threw at me, with regard to this tale, came in the form of a comment submitted to my web page.

“Fantastic writing :)” was the title of the comment.

“Your stories are wonderfully warm and loving, innocent in places and feel so much more… *real* than the tacky baby sluts some authors seem to go for…”

She’d signed her name “CH-Kitten.”

CH-Kitten and I started up a little online correspondence. That was my first look down the rabbit hole, although I didn’t have any idea I was even looking down it at the time.

She was hot, she was dirty, she was smart. What could be better than that? Well let me tell you… She was Irish. She was a brilliant writer and correspondent. And she was oh so very sweet, the nicest girl around. She was as open and honest as anyone in the world could ever be.

But then, after a handful of emails, she disappeared. I was disappointed of course that she was gone, but hardly heartbroken. I was mainly just looking for fodder for stories, which she has provided in copious amounts, and maybe a little online sex. Nothing more.

At that point I had only looked into the rabbit hole. Maybe I took a step or two towards it. But that’s all.

Shortly, however, I was about to go falling head-over-heels god knows where. Like Alice, I had an insatiable sense of curiosity. What’s going to happen when I go down there? Where does it lead? Where does it end?

And the funny thing about being down the rabbit hole is that you don’t know the answers to those questions even when you are there. You still wonder what’s going to happen, where it’s going to lead, how it’s going to end. You really have no idea.

One thought on “Down the Rabbit Hole”

  1. Pretty much how I feel about your stories. They are perfect in description and content and there is love between the characters which is rare these days. Keep it up

    I have some story ideas but cannot do the ideas justice like you do.

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